3rd international conference on integrative sciences and sustainable development of large rivers
Following the successofI.S.Rivers2012 and 2015, theGRAIEandZABR are launching the thirdedition of I.S.Rivers in 2018, whichwill focus on the sustainable management of the world’s rivers.
I.S.Rivers 2018will be held fromJune 4 to 8, 2018at the Universityof Lyon 2,France.It is organised byZABR and GRAIE.
It is an international conference dedicated to research and practices on natural and human-impacted large rivers, in particular functioning, changes and processes, interface and interactions, management policies, engineering.
I.S.Rivers aims topromote multidisciplinaryapproaches(betweenscientific knowledgeand feedback on management practices)andtoengageall stakeholders (research and management professionals) tostimulate european and international collaboration.